The quotes below speak for themselves – and will make you want to read the full story for one man’s relevant perspective; an engaging piece by Rana Foroohar for Financial Times, after “lunching” with investment strategist & research firm founder Kiril Sokoloff…
Financial Times: Kiril Sokoloff: ‘There will have to be massive debt relief’
“Recently, he has been trying to make the financial elite see the dangers of seeking to solve the problems of debt with more debt.”
“Then as now, he says, “central bankers were pushing on a string”, trying in vain to whip up a real economic recovery with monetary policy.“
“…a debt-phobic Midwestern child of immigrants who never understood why more people (not to mention companies) didn’t save for a rainy day.”
“…we collected money from a lot of poor devils and gave it over to the four winds.”