"...some will get their money back (and then some) for the risks they took, while others will not..."
What happens when you “throw money at the problem”.
“They are throwing money in the wrong place"
Free money for Wall Street? Or free cash for the people? Is either really “free”?
When it comes to plugging up the gaps in our financial system that will inevitably result from the Coronavirus crisis, it seems
How well do you trust your “politically elected policy makers”?
"the risks of putting the power to create and allocate money, credit, and spending in the hands of politically elected policy makers"
The rich got richer. Literally. Did you benefit?
"...In fact, anyone with assets has grown much richer. All of us who work in financial markets owe a debt to QE.”
Imagine if baseball worked like monetary policy?
What if baseball worked like monetary policy? Forget guys like Rob Manfred, Bud Selig, Fay Vincent. What if we put someone like
Fake News: “Trump to make homes more expensive for the middle class.”
Some keep harping on Donald Trump’s recent executive order to reverse a planned cut in FHA PMI (private mortgage insurance) rates as
10 things I might have done differently if I knew paying my mortgage would become optional
10 things I might have done differently over the past decade or two if I knew paying my mortgage would become optional:
A new pro-choice movement? Or, how to put the real “choice” back in “pro-choice”.
I’ll start by saying: I love women. Racism sucks. Sexism sucks. Bigotry sucks. Inequality sucks. I mean it. Now, for starters, please
What do you value most?
What do you value most? Family? Friends? Independence? Intellect? Wealth? Achievement? Power? Beauty? Charity? Purpose? Justice? The sooner we realize we don’t
Why economorals?
“An economy without a shared morality is destined to fail (in relative terms, of course).” (you know, applying the whole “moral relativism”
How this blog started.
NOTE: This is a post I began to draft way back on March 4, 2014 when the thought of starting this blog